Monday, December 10, 2018

This Blogger Should Be Flogged

I should be publicly flogged and have my blogging license revoked. I'm so all over the road lately. I blog every couple of days and then not for over two weeks. I read other blogs but forget to comment. I comment in public when no one has asked my opinion. I'm full of excuses for this errant behavior, but I have not a single good reason. 

The sun wasn't even in my eyes. Too cloudy and foggy for that.
At least when the fog freezes, as it did this morning,  we are graced with some botanical art. 

Our early winter continues, even though it's a good two weeks before the calendar officially deems it so. Temps at night are usually in the teens. A few days have been warm enough to turn the frozen ground into soppy wet divots which then freeze and threaten to snap this homesteaders delicate ankles whilst doing evening chores. 

The good news is, my ankles are far from delicate, and the evening fires we build in the rocket mass heater feel that much better when the air outside is cold and damp. Still, I hate that it gets dark so early when I haven't yet cleaned up the garden debris, let alone put a few garden chairs away.  We take the high road on this and tell folks we purposely leave the garden littered with last summers' vines, seed heads, rogue weeds  and collapsed kelp, all in the name of feeding birds and providing shelter for wee critters. But the truth is, we haven't made it a priority.

I still have a bag of fifty  tulip bulbs hanging in my mudroom waiting to be planted. Perhaps when it thaws in February I'll get those in the ground. Just in time for a 2020 bloom. 

Anyone else out there way behind in their Fall work while busy dealing with the Early Winter of Our Discontent? 


  1. I'm with you. There is never enough time in the day to do all I want (and need) to do.

    1. Want and Need. Two words I struggle to tell the difference between!

  2. That looks C.O.L.D. No frosts here as yet, but it won't be long. Nice photos.

    1. Not as C.O.L.D. as it looks. Of course I just took a few quick pics then hustled back inside to the warmth of the Looney Bin!

  3. I have used the same excuse it's good for the critters. But I just haven't felt in the mood to knuckle myself down to do it. That is cold in the teens.

    1. I go through moods myself. Motivation wanes as temps dip.

  4. since we went from summer straight into mid winter, i did not get a lot of things cleaned up. that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it.

    1. I keep waiting for that last Indian Summer day so I can get the outside cleaned up. I think I'll be waiting until NEXT fall!

  5. I have no excuses, and am doing and have done zip on many fronts. However, am working up to a mental crisis, which may result in a burst of activity just in time for Xmas. Or not. And that will be Xmas stuff, with Fall stuff thrown to the winds. In comparison you're a paragon of virtue! Happy Christmas.

  6. I live in Illinois too...that first measurable snow we had back in November was the only window i had to plant my garlic and shallots. The leaves on my oak trees were only just beginning to turn from green when that hit, and I always use the fallen leaves as mulch in my garlic beds.

    November and December are two of the busiest months of the year at work...if it is daylight now, I'm working. My garlic is still in a box, now tucked behind my christmas tree. I have been debating trying to mud them in after the rain coming in tomorrow, or waiting till february myself.

    Every time I look out the window, I see more and more I should have done back in august, when it was still hot out!

    1. I suggest that you and I...just stop looking out the window.

  7. Several years ago I would have been able to agree that there's not enough time to do household chores. I can no longer lament as apt living has changed that. Sure, there's still times when things don't get down in a timely manner, but now it doesn't matter. Your frost designs are lovely, Donna.

    1. Don't tell anyone, but I sometimes fantasize about living in an apartment again. I lived in one as a child in Chicago for many years. Problem is, I really like my cow and so many apt buildings have those ridiculous "no cow clauses".

  8. May I please borrow your garden litter excuse? It would work perfectly for me too! Rain, snow, ice, and cold certainly don't help matters any.

  9. I kind of wish I was behind on fall work...we are in dead of winter here in the Laurentians. I don't know how many feet of snow has already fallen, but I know I won't see green until end of May now! Your photos are lovely Donna! :)

    1. I'm wishing for deep snow. It always covers a multitude of sins. When I die, I'll need at least 6 feet to cover me.

  10. I just got to work a little on the garden a few days ago. Like you morning glory will haunt me this spring, along with thistle I'm afraid. We were lucky to have had 2 weeks of fall before rain then freeze hit. Loved your pictures.


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