Friday, September 16, 2016

Saponification Saturday

I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was making soap again now that I'm done with school, unless I win the lotto and can afford to return to NUIG for my MA in Irish Studies. Until then we're moving forward with our goal of creating income off the wealth of the land or the sweat labor of the homesteaders.

So, I offer two kinds of soap for sale this week. Neither is available anywhere else but through my blog. No web page costs, labeling expenses, or fancy packaging means lower prices for you. Email me at to order or for more info.

The first bars are made from cows milk, specifically the first milk after calving called colostrum.  (Thank you to our cow Lis) These bars also contain Coconut, Almond, Castor and Olive oils plus generous amounts of the aforementioned colostrum. They are unscented and uncolored. The cream colored hue is all natural.

They come in either a flower shape (4 available) or an oval shape (4 available). Each weighs about 3 oz and is perfect for guest baths. Wonderful to use as a body or shampoo bar. Super moisturizing and gentle.

Each is $3 plus shipping and handling.

The second soap bar available is a mildly exfoliating coffee-cinnamon bar. Made from Olive, Castor and Almond oils plus pastured lard, it is colored with real coffee and scented with cinnamon essential oil. It smells like yummy Fall! The middle layer also has a few coffee grounds for exfoliation. Its slanted layered shape is fun to look at and hold, and its lather is fantastic. A perfect bar of soap for a cook or gardener. Each bar is at least 5.5 oz. ( a solid handful)  and sells for $5 plus postage. Only 6 available.

The soap bars are simply first come first serve.
If you want any you must email me to order.
Thanks a million.


All I have left are 2 oval colostrum bars.
EMAIL ME at to order before they are all gone. 
I'll be listing more soap next Saturday


  1. Hi, just placed an order but unsure of payment options. Please advise

  2. Nice soaps and nice cows in the prior post. The header with the wonder filled quotation and the fact you are in my peoples home state are enough to make a follower out of me.


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