Sunday, April 8, 2018

Totally Wired

In June, Keith and I will celebrate our 25th anniversary. A few years ago we discussed several options for this event and one was an Alaskan Cruise. I love water, he loves the wilds of nature, so it felt perfect. But plans don't always materialize, nor do large amounts of money for said plans . Life throws us curve balls. We learn to duck. We regroup.

Now, our greatly restructured plans involve a trip right here in our home state. Instead of traveling 3600 miles to see a few whales, we'll be motoring just 230 miles to Quincy Illinois on the Mississippi River, where we hope to see a few Catfish.

Compromises. We're getting good at them.

So what does this all have to do with a big spool of electrical wire? Plenty. When our good friend Jay heard of our change in anniversary plans, he wanted to fund the trip for us. Generous. He is so generous. But we could not with good conscious accept his offer. He said to us, "Then tell me what you do want or I'll end up getting you something you don't".

We came up with wire.

To finish our barn we need a south wall, a loft, walls for Keith's shop and electrical wire. Wire to run electricity to the barn and to my writing studio. And so, Jay bought us the wire as our 25th anniversary gift and we could not be happier.


  1. I always love a practical gift. Congrats on 25 years!!!

    1. Yes, practical is good at this stage in our homesteading. And thanks.

  2. I love gifts like that. Useful! Okay, so I'm not sentimental, so maybe that's why useful and practical gifts seem idea to me.

    1. I still have a sentimental side, as long as it's cost effective. Flowers from the field, time alone to write, the last piece of pie, all great gifts.

  3. I love useful gifts, if it's something to sit in the closet I'd rather do without. The wire seems perfect for your fencing.
    I personally like small trips away, and back home again that night or the next, I dislike putting the cats in boarding and feel guilty if its any longer.

    1. We're fortunate that my daughter and our granddaughter will do chores for us while away. Good thing since boarding cows gets expensive!

  4. Aww, good husbands and good friends. You've already made it to heaven. ;) Well done on reaching 25 years. Doesn't it fly by, so fast! I was looking at photographs recently, of my husband and I, in our early days. I know all the things which have happened, between now and then (I was there) but it was like I was looking at yesterday, and today. Funny that!

    I can also see a table, made out of that wooden spool, when you're done with the wire. A gift that keeps on giving. :)

    1. I thought the same thing! I love wooden spools for outside tables. Thinking I'll paint it a bright blue and put lots of flowers on it.

  5. That's awesome. Funny how gifts change as our needs change. Congrats on the 25th!!!!

    1. Well, I wouldn't turn down an emerald ring...I was born in May...but I'd probably loose it feeding hay to the steers. So new electrical wiring it is!

  6. If dear Jay is still looking to give extravagant gifts.... just saying.
    Congratulations on 25 years! When we celebrated ours, my mom told me that those first 25 are the hardest... haha

    1. Good to know. The next 25 should be a lovely walk in the park.

  7. Rather than visiting Catfish, why not stay at home and have a huge banquet and barn dance (in the barn). In June the weather should be perfect, you will have electricity for a band, and what could be better than eating out in a straw-strewn barn? A night to remember!

  8. Jay is a great friend to offer to pay for your trip, but that wire is a great gift too! Happy 25th anniversary! I hope you enjoy your trip! :)

    1. He is a good friend. We've known each other over 40 years! I ran away with him and his twin brother when I was 16. Wild teens, yes we were. Now, we're all so mature we're absolutely dull.

    2. LOL Donna...I know that dull's fun in its own way lol!

  9. First, Donna & Keith, early congrats on the approaching 25th anniversary. Our 20th is in 2019 so maybe we should start thinking about what to do. Your Alaskan trip sounded lovely, but so does the nearby getaway as well and who needs whales when you can see catfish :-) And you do have a GREAT friend in Jay and a barn party as someone else suggested should be wonderful too!

    1. It's funny how excited I am about our tiny trip. When you have less...less seems like More! Plan to spend one day just lollygagging on a river boat writing nonsensensical stories. Pure heaven for me. Keith will likely go spelunking. He's a real caveman.

  10. Sounds about perfect to me! My mum got me 20 bags of compost for my birthday. Yes, I know I'm spoilt!


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