Thursday, June 21, 2018

It was a Dark and Stormy Sight

Look at me! Three posts in one week.

World must be coming to an end, or it's raining a lot and I'm inside too much. 

Looking west, from just in front of our Looney Bin about 6pm yesterday
 Yes, it's raining. Lots.

April was rainy too, but cold, and getting items in the garden was tough going. May was unusually hot here in Illinois and very dry. Keeping the garden alive was tough going. June has resulted in several inches of rain and keeping the garden from drowning is tough going.

Heavy rain on the left moving to the right over soybean fields

Homesteading is never, ever, dull; a Russian Roulette game when it comes to weather. The storms have been magnificent to watch though, as they roll in and out, creeping across the corn fields that surround us, hovering over our heads like massive gray Zeppelins.
We live on a bit of a hill so our views extend a good distance.

View from the center of our property looking northwest.

Our seven acres is the grove of trees, just off center in the photo

Getting closer you can see our new (old) barn in the center. 
Our Looney Bin house is to the right of the barn hidden in the trees.

We can often see approaching storms forty or so miles away, which allows us to batten down the hatches (i.e. milk the cow quick, close up the broilers in their sheltered house and get the pigs fed). It's always amusing how Accuweather will report "chances of rain 20%" while hail is pounding us, or "thunderstorms imminent" when the sky is clear and the blazing sun is frying our brains. 

Thus, Keith and I refer to the media service as inaccu-weather. 

Our region is considered part of tornado alley, but we've not seen much major activity in the Land of Lincoln for a few years. I feel we are overdue and this hot spell in SPRING nonetheless, just reinforces that thought. I saw a small funnel cloud as I was leaving Pontiac yesterday. It dropped out of the black clouds to the north, all thin and ropey, but then withdrew as if to say "nah, not today, maybe next week".


  1. That first photo (they are all amazing) but that first one is a book cover if I ever saw one, ha. Stay dry!! And safe!

    1. Thanks 1st man. One day I might print off one of my photos instead of just storing it away with thousands of others on my PC.

  2. Stunning pictures, I keep studying the first one, it looks like an angry ocean in the background.
    I know all too well about those tornado alley alerts, being in the same path ourselves. Hot summer weather, and a quick cool-down inevitably leads to those blasted hailstorms, nothing in their path is sacred. :(
    You have a beautiful, serene place to call home !
    Thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. Oh how I wish it were the sea! I'd love to live on water, a house boat even. Preferably one parked in Galway bay. But this place is lovely in it's own land locked way.

  3. I've just come indoors from installing the hosepipe and sprinkler up to my veg' garden.... too dry.

    1. Sending rain wishes your way Cro. We've had more than our fair share.

  4. I've always joked that only in weather and baseball can you be 30$ right, and still get to keep your job. LOL

    Your property sounds amazing! Hope the weather improves for you soon.

    1. I like to remind my kids/GKs how we checked weather in the old days...we stepped outside.

  5. I clicked on this thinking you were talking about cocktails... pregnant lady dying for a martini but would settle for reading about other people sipping dark and stormies.
    Wonderful pictures! So much rain here too this week but we really needed it. And the dang humidity finally broke.

    1. Now, that IS FUNNY. I'm slurping a beer right now (it's two days later and very hot) and will do it with thoughts of you. Hang in there pregnant one.

  6. That first picture, is amazing!

  7. Our married daughter who lives in southwest Michigan got 6" of rain in 30 hours this past week. We, who live about 45 miles away from her in Indiana, got rain but nothing like she did. It's 63 degrees here, as I type this at almost noon, and the sun hasn't been shining in days. I've been inside too but there's many other things I could be doing but.... being productive is way overrated in my book. *haha* Blessings~ Andrea

    1. Sometimes I am all about the productivity while other days...I slurp beer and read blogs. Balance is everything. Not that I am...balanced that is.

  8. LOL...Inacuweather...I called it that one time too! :) Those photos are just beautiful! I'm not a fan of storm damage but I do love a good storm when it lights up the sky! :)

  9. we had a storm earlier this week. It lasted a short time with no damage and though I wanted to get some photos, the rain was streaming down on the screens and obliterated the view across the river. Thanks for sharing your dramatic sky shots and glad you didn't have any weather damage.

    1. I love the storms, love watching them, hearing them, chasing them (in my next life) but I too prefer little or no damage. We want it all don't we?


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